How to get there

How to get from Milan to Genoa

The distance from Milan (Milano) to Genoa (Genova) is 150 kilometers. Getting from Milan to Genoa is the fastest by train, but you can save a little and go by bus. Experienced travelers may consider renting a car. One way road will take about 2 hours.

Read more about the pros and cons of each method below.

By train

Regional trains leave for Genoa from Milan Central Station (Milano Centrale) about 2 times per hour. One way ticket costs about 15 euros, travel time from 1 hour 34 minutes to 2 hours. In Genoa, the main station is called Genova Piazza Principe, from where you can walk to Piazza Raffaele de Ferrari in 20 minutes on foot along the port.

I advise you to leave Milan by the morning train at 08:10, 08:30 or 09:10 in order to be in time for Genoa by dinner.

Remember that lunch in Italian restaurants is scheduled from 12:00 to 14:30.
  • I advise you to read about: sights of Genoa

If the purpose of your visit is a one-day acquaintance with the city, then it is possible:

  1. Return to Milan by train at 16:19 to catch dinner or an aperitif.
  2. Stay in Genoa for the night and leave for Milan the next day.

By bus

The FlixBus buses to Genoa from Milan leave from the bus station or San Donato stop. Travel time 2 hours 10 minutes. If you plan your trip in advance, you can find tickets for the offer for 5 euros, but usually count on an average price of 8-12 euros. Buses are quite comfortable, there is Internet on board.

Buses from Milan arrive to Genoa at the Fanti d'Italia / Principe stop - it is near the central station and metro station, which is quite convenient.

By car

Going to Genoa by car from Milan, think in advance about parking. In the center of Genoa there is a paid parking Parcheggio Acquario di Genova directly opposite the Aquarium. The road will take you at least 2 hours. Along the way, there is a toll section of the A7 highway, 125 km long, which costs 10 euros.

I am sure that now you can easily get to Genoa. If you need advice, I will be happy to advise you in the comments.

Watch the video: Milan to Genoa by Train via Riomaggiore, Cinque Terre, Italy (April 2024).

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