
Italians seek German citizenship

Recent data indicate that the number of Italians who received German citizenship is growing rapidly. We tried to find out what attracts the inhabitants of sunny Italy to another EU country.

Last year, 2,754 Italians received German citizenship, which is 25.1 percent more than in 2012. Such data was received by the Federal Statistics Office (Federal Statistics Office). Taking into account the protracted crisis that has affected all spheres of activity in Italy, residents of the country seeking to move to a more stable state can be understood. However, Alessandro Speciale, a journalist at Bloomberg and a resident of Frankfurt, is convinced that the decision of the Italians to move to Germany is not just about economic considerations.

“It's easier to find work, start with something, and then move up the career ladder. The service industry is developing rapidly and works great. The easiest way is if you move with your children,” Spechale says. "Why stay in Italy if you can live happily in Germany?"

Szczecal, who moved to Frankfurt in January, has not yet received German citizenship. “In the EU, this is not urgent,” the journalist explains. “Within the EU, you have the same rights. While Italy remains in the Eurozone and the European Union, it makes no sense to change citizenship. But if we all decide to stay here as a family, we will probably have to resort to citizenship: my daughter Kostanza (Costanza) will go to kindergarten this September. "

Like many other Italians who moved to Germany, Spechal can’t say exactly how much he plans to stay here. According to him, most Italian immigrants expect changes in Italy at the legislative level and have high hopes for the new Prime Minister: "Matteo Renzi faced a difficult task: he needs to mobilize the country. If he does not succeed, those people who still plan returning to their homeland will probably abandon this idea. "

It is worth noting that this year, Italians most often received German citizenship. But despite the increased flow of wine and sun to the country to Germany, they are only the eighth largest nation living here: in addition to the representatives of Italy, more than one hundred thousand people received German citizenship this year. Surprisingly, not only Europeans seek this European country. Last year, 27,970 Turkish nationals received German citizenship, which is 16 percent less than in 2012. The Poles were in second place: 5.466 people in Poland became citizens of Germany, and Ukrainians in third (4.539).

Last year, Germany most readily granted citizenship to immigrants from Ukraine in connection with the current tense situation in this country (23 percent of requests for citizenship were satisfied by the German side). Sociologists argue that the new citizens of Germany prefer to move to the western part of the country. The North Rhine-Westphalia region in 2013 welcomed about 30 thousand new residents.

Watch the video: Is citizenship by descent worth it? (May 2024).

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